
Christian Living

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The Envy of Eve

What's truly at the heart of our desires? The Envy of Eve guides readers to understand how desires grow into covetousness and what happens when this sin takes power in our hearts. Covetousness chokes out the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.

The Family Worship Book

Do you struggle to provide enjoyable, meaningful and spiritual times of family devotions? Do you avoid the whole subject but have the nagging thought that you should be doing something?

The Family You've Always Wanted

Gary Chapman paints a biblical portrait of what a loving, stable family looks like. This book is not just to be read, but experienced. In Dr. Chapman's own words, 'What happens to your family does make a difference not only to you and your children.

The Father Heart of God

Whats is God like? Does he really care for people today? Floyd McClung has met many people who suffer from emotional scars and fears. Over and over again it has been the discovery of God as Father - perfectly reliable, unlike any human parent.

The freedom of Self-Forgetfulness

'What are the marks of a supernaturally changed heart?' This is one of the questions the Apostle Paul addresses as he writes to the church in Corinth. He's not after some superficial outward tinkering, but instead a deep-rooted, life-altering change.

The Fruitful Bough

It has been said that "an ideal wife is any woman who has an ideal husband" and "a good husband makes a good wife." In God's design, woman was created to be a helper for man, and man to satisfy her needs.

The Fruitful Home

The book of Titus establishes a biblical precedent for older women to teach younger women the importance of gospel living. Writing as a Christian grandmother to a rising generation of parents, Ann Benton shows the value of creating a gospel culture.

The Fruitful Life

As we desire to be more like Jesus, we want to live loving, joyful lives. Yet loving our enemies seems impossible. Even being patient with our family is often difficult. How can we put on the gentle garments of grace when we're so busy battling...

The Gender Revolution

No topic has generated as much heat in our culture wars, or as much pain and confusion in the lives of the real people affected, as our society's transgender revolution. The Gender Revolution offers a much-needed blend of clarity, conviction and comp

The Glories of God's Love. Gospel Primer

I love this book because it helps me drink in the wonderful truths of the Gospel more deeply. It's a book to read slowly. It will help you to apply the Gospel to your daily fight with sin and service of Christ.

The Goal Of Brotherly Love

Brotherly love 'is something far higher and deeper than church rambles and other organised friendship activities, useful as these may be,' writes the author. The great goal is 'Philadelphia' love, a New Testament term indicating 'a depth and tenacity

The God of the Garden Thoughts on Creat

Whether it's humans being created from dirt, passing along seed, or bearing the fruit of the Spirit, biblical arboreal language reflects theological truths. In this beautiful memoir, Peterson assures you the divine Gardener is always guiding us ....

The Good Sporting Life

The power of sport—to captivate the heart, inspire the imagination, and even shape nations—means we must think carefully and wisely as Christian competitors, coaches, parents, and passionate fans.

The Great Gardener

Jo Claire had been a Christian for many years, she had loved and followed Jesus for most of her life, yet following the trauma of her divorce she realised she was still acting as 'head gardener' of her life. God opened her eyes to the reality that tr

The Greatest Secret

Theologian Krish Kandiah had been a missionary, a youth worker and a pastor - but for all his Christian qualifications, he found himself lost in his relationship with God. That was until he rediscovered his Christian faith through a simple secret.

The Hard Corps

Heard the one about the guy who wrestled a lion in a pit on a snowy day just for fun? Or about the guy who took on a giant Egyptian twice his size? Or the three special ops ninjas who risked their all in enemy territory?
£6.99 £3.50

The Hardest Peace - Expecting Grace in the midst of life's hard

A young mother battling cancer invites readers to embrace grace in every season of life. Kara Tippetts knows the mundane but rich days of mothering four kids, the joy of watching her children grow.and the devastating reality of stage-four cancer.

The Heart of Addiction

This book makes the distinction between what the world terms a "disease" and what Scripture demonstrates is a life-dominating sin nature problem. You will find biblical tools to help you examine your heart's motives at the root of the addiction.

The Heart of Singleness

This book is written for single women - whatever your experience of life so far- and for friends of single women.

The Hidden Enemy

What’s going on in our world? Why are suicide bombers attacking our cities? Why are shooters invading our workplaces and malls? Why are students attacking speakers at their colleges? Why are there two versions of the truth ...............

The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting

God has provided a way to turn certain defeat into awesome victory and demonic strongholds into highways of His love and power.

The Highway Code for Marriage

Are you about to get married? Thinking of giving on your marriage? Wanting to make your marriage even better? Michael and Hilary Perrott have poured all their wisdom and experience into a book that will help you build, or rebuild, a sure foundation

The Highway Code for Parenting

This is a parent guide with a difference. It doesn't deal with details of toilet training or pocket money, but with some of the big issues of parenting. For all - including single parents, stepfamilies, and those whose children are fleeing the nest.

The Hole in our Holiness

The hole in our holiness is that evangelicals dont look particularly holy. In fact, there seems to be a greater focus on either personal depravity or moral liberalism rather than on the pursuit of holiness.

The Holiness of God

“I walked by my copy of this classic book the other day and opened it randomly. I could not put the book down. . . . Sproul is one of a kind in the way he combines depth and clarity.” – John Piper Central to God’s character is the quality of holiness