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80 Tips on Motherhood

Author Karen Stubbs offers a collection of essays on motherhood from a biblical and practiced approach. The pages in this book will inspire you to relax and enjoy the feelings of ratification and unity in being a Mum. There are 80 essays, each wit

A Legacy of Faith

This inspirational book from Ruth Graham provides an intimate look at Billy Graham's life and the impact his legacy has had on those closest to him.

A Woman Jesus Can Teach: New Testament Women Help You Make Choices Today

Discipleship is more than learning a routine--it's an invitation to a relationship of love and trust. A Woman Jesus Can Teach studies the lives of several women in the Gospels who were changed by an encounter with the Lord.

A Young Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus

The pressure on teens today is intense. Peers, the media, and the Internet urge teen girls to "fit in" by imitating role models who live by worldly values instead of focusing on matters of the heart.

Bachelorette to Bride

Marriage is one of God's greatest gifts to us. It is one of the most blessed and exciting events in a woman's life, but there is also a sense of entering the unknown. Becoming a wife can feel simultaneously be a great privilege and a tall order!

Beautiful in God's Eyes

Beauty is more than skin deep - it starts in the heart and works outward Exploring the timeless wisdom of Proverbs 31, Bible teacher Elizabeth George reveals how you can become a woman of true beauty-a woman who desires to honor God ..............

Beautiful Uncertainty

To seek, pursue, and fall in love with Jesus with radical abandon. Single Woman Mandy Hale shares with readers what can happen in their lives by praying this powerful prayer. She has shown women how important it is to be secure in singleness.

Beautifully Distinct: Conversations with friends on faith, life and culture

For Christian women today These conversations casually discuss ways life and faith meet A book for feeling like you are with friends How should we listen to, and think in a gospel way about, the ordinary things we come across in modern life? Thing

Becoming a Woman of Grace

Learn what makes God s grace so amazing in this topical Bible study for women by Navigator author and Bible teacher Cynthia Heald. Thought-provoking quotations and suggestions for personal reflection.

Becoming a Woman Who Loves

How do we love as Jesus did: sacrificially, unconditionally, and passionately? Women will learn to equip themselves with faith to face all of life's struggles and surprises with unshakeable confidence.

Brief Theology of Periods

Whether you’re in need of hope and help, or are just downright curious, you’ll be refreshed and encouraged by this book. As Rachel puts it, “Whoever you are, my aim is that you reach the end of this book celebrating who God has made you.

Choose Love: The Three Simple Choices That Will Alter The Course Of Your Life

Stormie Omartian's bestselling books on the power of prayer have touched millions of lives. Recent books have taken a closer look at the leading of the Holy Spirit and the call to be a prayer warrior for God.


Crafted with biblical wisdom, professional insights, and personal stories, Courageous explores the core concerns that plague every woman's relationship with God, self, and others.

Creating a Beautiful Life: A Woman's Guide to Good-Better-Best Decision Making

What Will You Do with This Beautiful Day God Is Giving You? Each new day presents opportunities to grow your faith, manage your work and your goals, and make good use of the time God gives you.

Dare to Be

DARE TO BE Vulnerable – Vocal – Obedient – Forgiven Loved – Changed – And So Much More! When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? Have you ever realized God wasn’t saying no or wait, but was instead asking you to act out in courage

Disciplines of a Godly Woman

A book for Christian women Barbara Hughes shares stories and teaching from her own life Discover what it means to grow as a godly women D I S C I P L I N E . Maybe discipline seems like a hard word to you—implying nothing but challenge and duty

Embracing God's Grace: Colossians/Philemon

As the latest book in bestselling author Elizabeth George's popular A Woman After God's Own Heart Bible study series, Embracing God's Grace focuses on Colossians and Philemon, helping readers strengthen their faith.

Embracing Trust

Trusting God. It's such a cliché. Yet nothing means more to our heavenly Father than when we surrender our lives completely to him and choose to believe he has our best in mind.

Empty Womb, Aching Heart: Hope and Help For Those Struggling with infertility

Hope and Help For Those Struggling With Infertility When the professional advice isn't enough, and you've had your fill of well-meaning comments from those who haven't experienced infertility, Marlo Schalesky wants you to know you are not alo


Is It Okay to Enjoy This Life? Watching a gorgeous sunset. Sharing a laugh with a friend. Tasting a sun-ripened strawberry. Each day is full of opportunities for you to savour the countless gifts the Creator has given.

Enjoy your journey

Are you enjoying every day of your life? Or do you tell yourself and others that you will find happiness once you have achieved a specific goal or position? Jesus came so that you might have and enjoy life (John 10:10). In this compact abridgme

Even Better Than Eden

God’s Story Will End Better than It Began . . . Experienced Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie traces 9 themes throughout the Bible, revealing how God’s plan for the new creation will be far more glorious than the original. But this new creation...

Five Little Questions That Reveal the Life God Designed for You

When the alarm clock goes off, do you dread the day-hopelessly enslaved to a schedule that strangles the life out of your passions? Take heart, you're not alone-not even close.

Gay Girl Good God

I used to be a lesbian. In Gay Girl, Good God, author Jackie Hill Perry shares her own story, offering practical tools that helped her in the process of finding wholeness. Jackie grew up fatherless and experienced gender confusion.

Glory in the Ordinary: Why Your Work in the home matters to God

For stay-at-home parents Discover how faith starts in the home, and how 'ordinary' is anything but You'll find renewed possibility in what work in the home can be Folding laundry. Weeding the garden. Cooking dinner. Changing diapers. Work in the h