
Study & Bible Helps

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1 & 2 Thessalonians

Mayhue's skill in interpreting the text accurately but with humour and modern parallels comes through in this fascinating commentary.

1 & 2 Thessalonians For You

We've been saved by Jesus… so what's next? How do we discern good teaching from bad, what does it look like to grow in holiness, and what should our expectations be for the future? Find answers to those questions in the warm, instructive letters ....

1 & 2 Timothy For You

Paul is reaching the end of his ministry. Timothy needs help in his. And so the apostle writes to his young friend and protege, urging him to guard the gospel, preach the gospel, and live the gospel. Phillip Jensen opens up these letters for us.

1 Corinthians For You

The scope of 1 Corinthians is breathtaking. Paul tackles a huge variety of subjects, and as he does so, he gives us a precious insight into what a local church is (or at least can be).

1 Peter For You

The book of 1 Peter could have been written for our timesa time of antagonism toward biblical ethics, and the marginalization of biblical Christians. Into that cultureour culturePeter speaks of hope and offers joy as he points believers to heaven.

1 Samuel The Coming King

1 Samuel charts the rise and fall of several of Israel's leaders. You'll meet the notoriously arrogant king Saul and see the ascent of the man after God's own heart – David. You'll read of dangerous battles, murder plots, giants and more.

1-2 Peter

Peter's Epistles are a rallying cry for hope. Written to a young church facing intensifying persecution, they showcase the living hope of the gospel even in the midst of trials and tribulation. Join Lydia Brownback as she digs deeper into the book

150 Need to Know Bible Facts

What's really important in the Bible? Find out with 150 Need-to-Know Bible Facts, a powerful new survey of scripture truth featuring a devotional flair.

2 Corinthians For You

In 2 Corinthians For You, Garry Millar walks readers through the hard truths that Paul sets out in this deeply personal letter. It reveals Paul’s heart for Christ’s wayward “children”—one filled with the true love of Christ.

2,000 Years of Christ's Power Vol. 1: The Age of the Early Church Fathers

Every generation has an uncanny tendency to view themselves as more enlightened than those that have gone before. The Church certainly has made mistakes all through history - and yet, no insights which we possess would be possible without the efforts

A Beginners Guide to the Old Testament

The Old Testament comprises many well-loved stories and many others that are more obscure. There are accounts of kings and slaves, priests and prophets. There are laws and poetry and genealogies.

A Mousetrap for Darwin

In 1996 Darwin’s Black Box thrust Lehigh University biochemist Michael Behe into the national spotlight. The book, and his subsequent two, sparked a firestorm of criticism, and his responses appeared in everything from the New York Times to science b

A Postcard from Paul: The Letter of Paul

The message of Paul’s letter to Philemon is timeless, for the Word of God is always relevant. In, ‘Philemon’ we see and experience the transforming power of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus changes lives! He changed lives for the better.

A Simple Guide to Bible Study

There is no quick fix for arriving at a full understanding of its teaching; this booklet does not profess to be that. Its aim is to provide basic guidelines for Bible study for younger people or new believers.

A Simple Guide to Worship

Although the word ‘worship’ features extensively in Scripture, it is difficult to find a Bible verse that could be used as a definition. The general feeling is that it is more easily experienced than explained! This simple, biblical, practical and

A Woman Jesus Can Teach: New Testament Women Help You Make Choices Today

Discipleship is more than learning a routine--it's an invitation to a relationship of love and trust. A Woman Jesus Can Teach studies the lives of several women in the Gospels who were changed by an encounter with the Lord.

Acts 1-12 for You

Expository Bible-study guide to the first half of Acts; a thrilling, era-beginning, church-birthing part of Scripture. Part of the God's Word For You series.

Acts 13-28 For You

There is no more thrilling part of the Bible than the book of Acts, and no better guide to it than Albert Mohler. This second volume takes in the missions, arrest, and court appearances of Paul; the meeting of the Council of Jerusalem; and so on.

All the Way to Glory

He had come from so far, stooping from unimaginable heights. The Son of God, whose “greatness is unsearchable” (Psa. 145:3), left His throne and entered into something so very small—a virgin’s womb. It marked the beginning of a journey.

All You Need is Christ - Galatians

Steve Brady examines Galatians. 'Christ lives in me' trumpets Galatians, yet so many believers seem to behave as if Jesus never triumphed over death. 'It is for freedom that Christ has set us free' So why do many Christians live in spiritual bondage?

An Epistle with Heart

This book provides a careful analysis of Paul's Epistle to the Colossians. Doctrinal and practical teaching are balanced and blended throughout. In the text of the epistle, ethical problems and explained.

And God Said...

Have you ever wondered if there are answes to life's most important questions? Where did we come from, where are we going, and therefore why are we here? What if the story you've been told all your life, about everything coming into being through tim

Becoming a Woman of Grace

Learn what makes God s grace so amazing in this topical Bible study for women by Navigator author and Bible teacher Cynthia Heald. Thought-provoking quotations and suggestions for personal reflection.

Becoming a Woman Who Loves

How do we love as Jesus did: sacrificially, unconditionally, and passionately? Women will learn to equip themselves with faith to face all of life's struggles and surprises with unshakeable confidence.

Being Baptised

An invaluable book for anyone considering baptism, or leading preparation classes. Not a heavy theological work, but a practical handbook giving a comprehensive, down to earth explanation of the meaning, biblical basis, and spiritual dimension...