
Christian Living

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Will I Be Fat In Heaven?

n his best-selling book ‘That’s a Good Question!’, J.John helped answer some of the most curious and tricky questions that children ask about God, the Bible and Christianity. In his latest book, ‘Will I be Fat in Heaven? and Other Curious Questions’,

Will You be my Facebook Friend PB

In just a few years, Facebook has gone from nothing to a major feature of modern life. There are over 500 million users, half of whom use it on any given day. There is much that is good about this ... social networking brings many benefits.

With love and sympathy gift book

A special compilation of photos, prayers, poems, quotes and Bible verses to comfort and encourage those who grieve. This is the ideal book to show a friend that you are thinking about them. Is anyone crying for help? GOD is listening, ready to rescue

Word Centered Church

Word-Centered Church is the ministry-model book that churches need, because it advances the model God designed. For anyone who wants to grow or help others grow, Word-Centered Church is indispensable.

Words of Peace - inc CD

These are Bible and prayer guides for people with dementia - and the elderly who are struggling with memory loss; developed in consultation with 'experts' in dementia care. Each title includes 31 daily devotionals, 'cues and clues' box & more.

Words that Heal

Our words can be so cruel. Used wrongly, they can discourage people, cut open the heart and destroy someone's self-confidence and even ignite a fire and drive crowds to violence. And once they're spoken, they can never be recalled.

Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women

What does the Bible say about the value of women? Does the Bible teach that women are as valuable as men or does it portray them as somehow more flawed, more suspect, or weak and easily deceived?

Wounded by God's People: Discovering How God's Love Heals Our Hearts

'I believe there are many of us who have been wounded by God's people. And I believe there are those of you who have been so wounded, that you have confused God's people with God, and so have run from Him. The purpose of this book is to help you get

Woven Words

Woven words (Life in Christ edition) contains all of the poems and prayers from Mary's book 'Life in Christ - a call to be in His Presence' to be used in group situations and individually. This edition also includes an activity and a colouring image.

Young and in Love

In Young and In Love, pastor, author, and speaker Ted Cunningham boldly argues that young love should be celebrated, even promoted. Early marriages can be God's will and often provide the key to sexual purity.

Your Reasonable Service In The Lord

This booklet deals with one major area in which we often fall a long way short of the standard of the Bible. It is a sad fact that there are many Bible-believing Christians who do not engage in any meaningful work for the Lord.

Zeal without Burnout

Lots of people who are involved in Christian ministry find themselves having to step back from it. They have not lost their love for Christ, or their desire to serve him. But for one reason or another, they are exhausted and simply cannot carry on.