
Christian Living

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Practical Religion Classic Salvationist

This series is intended to help a new generation of readers become familiar with works published across the years by The Salvation Army and which over time have come to be regarded as 'classics' in Salvationist circles and even beyond.

Praising Through The Storm

Not often do you have folks share their personal experiences these days. The dearth of relatable truth is partially due to the impressionable appetite that has enslaved many. Wanting to look perfect and having no problems.

Prayers of a Parent for Adult Children

Adult children face many struggles, both earthly and spiritual. Even fully grown, they need support as they forge a life of their own. But how can we help them on their journey as they become independent from us? Bring your love for them to the Lord.

Prayers of a Parent for Teens

Our teens are precious to us, and they face particular challenges and opportunities during these momentous years. So how precious it is that we can lift up these dear ones in prayer to God our Father, who has shown his love to us in his own Son.

Prayers of a Parent for Young Adults

Our children’s young adult years are packed with important life decisions that shape their personal growth. They need the love and support of their parents and a firm trust in God to see them through this complicated season of life.

Prayers of a Parent for Young Children

Our children are precious to us. So how precious it is that we can lift up these dear ones in prayer to God our Father, who has shown his love to us in his own Son—and who gives us his Holy Spirit to help us to pray according to his Word.

Preparing for Baptism

Like a window, baptism helps us see what a Christian is and what it means to live the Christian life. Baptism expresses a Christian s new hope, new family and new life. It s like a funeral, naming ceremony and wedding rolled into one!

Preparing for Marriage Couples Edition

Most people in Britain marry between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five. This is precisely the generation most likely to be absent from our churches, therefore a marriage preparation course, provides an opportunity for mission ........

Preparing for Marriage Leaders Edition

Most people in Britain marry between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five. This is precisely the generation most likely to be absent from our churches, therefore a marriage preparation course, provides an opportunity for mission..........

Pride & Humility at war - A Biblical Perspective

Is pride a necessary tool to achieve significance? Is humility a form of self-hatred? In contrast to the world, the Bible consistently presents humility as the supreme virtue, while pride is the underlying depravity behind specific sins.


"I can always do it tomorrow!" Are you caught in the tomorrow trap? Have you noticed how the decay of delay has affected various areas of your life? If allowed to continue, the pursuit of the trivial will preoccupy your attention.

Proving Charismatic gifts have ceased

Does the Bible teach definitively that the charismatic gifts have ceased? This booklet shows that the ceasing of revelatory and sign-gifts in the time of the apostles is clearly derived from the Word of God.


Pure' was developed and written against a background of increasing promiscuity and godlessness in twenty-first century Britain. It offers an alternative to swimming with the tide.

Purity of Heart

This series is intended to help a new generation of readers become familiar with works published across the years by The Salvation Army and which over time have come to be regarded as 'classics' in Salvationist circles and even beyond.

Radical Gratitude: Recalibrating Your Heart in an age of Entitlement

As Christians we should be the most grateful people alive. After all, doesn't the Bible encourage thankfulness and condemn grumbling? Peter Maiden traces the theme of thanksgiving in Scripture, and shows how we can genuinely live counter-cultural

Rebuilding the Ruins

It started with a vision to fill one lorry of aid, but four years later she has just loaded her 101st container, has sent 11 ambulances to Syria, set up a charity and distributed aid to more than 350,000 people in the Middle East.

Reclaiming Surrendered Ground

Few families are aware of the Devil's attacks. Fewer know how to withstand them. Is yours ready? Jim Logan used to think spiritual warfare was a radical idea. That was before he realized just how real it was, especially in the lives of families.


This helpful, easy-to-understand minibook will help you prepare your heart to resolve differences and it shows that the road to reconciliation--although difficult--is possible with God.

Recovering Redemption

Life never lacks for improvement--in ourselves, in our relationships, in just about everything. But all our brave stabs at getting better, if they ever change anything, are incomplete at best, complete failures at worst. Sometimes much worse.

Red Moon Rising

From the Upper Room to Azusa Street, God has used prayer movements to change the world. Over fifteen years ago, a group of students gathered for a prayer vigil in Chichester, England-and the prayers they started haven't stopped since.

Rediscovering Joy - The Dynamic Power of the Reformation in Galatians

The title, Rediscovering Joy, derives from Galatians 4:15 (NLT). The Galatians had lost the joy of God's blessing because they had departed from the truths of the gospel. The Reformation - and the book - is an invitation to rediscover the joy.


Do you race from one thing to the next, unable to keep up with all the demands of your ever-growing to-do list? Are you overcommitted and overstretched, but don't know how to slow down when the world just says to speed up? Is there any hope for rest?

Remember God

I know God is loving; I know He is good; I believe He is big and powerful. But sometimes I wonder if He is really kind -- really deeply always kind. Is He?

Replacing Worry for Wonder

Like so many other women today, worry probably feels second nature to you—often like a reflex than a choice. On any given day you fret about growing debts and thinly stretched paychecks, strained relationships and social snubs.

Respectable Sins

Have Christians become so preoccupied with “major” sins that we have lost sight of our need to deal with more subtle sins? Navpress author Jerry Bridges addresses the “acceptable” sins that we tend to tolerate in ourselves, including pride and a