
Suffering & Bereavement

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The Last Valley

This is an honest, graphic and affectionately told account of the closing year of the life of a godly wife, dying of cancer. As such it is both a love story and a testimony to the reality of the goodness and faithfulness of our covenant God.

The Life and Death Dilemma: Families Facing Health Care Choices

You might be standing by the bedside of an ill or dying family member, facing agonizing moral and medical choices. Or you may be struggling with a disability, asking questions that seem to have no answers.

The Only Comfort in Life and Death

In early 2020, a highly contagious virus made its way around the world. In a matter of days the things that many people relied on for security were shown to be flimsy sources of hope.

The Secret of the Lord

Are you ready to stop playing church and begin living an authentic life in Christ? Do you put on a happy face to disguise feelings of sadness, loneliness, or depression? You're not alone.

There Came a Day

There followed dark days for the Cardy family, days of searching for their missing daughter, grieving her death, wrestling with the questions. It would be thirty years before they would find any answers.

Transforming Loneliness

Loneliness knows no season. It can strike during times of busyness and a full social calendar just as easily as it can when plans are canceled and friends are far off. And we may be surprised just how common loneliness is among our friends, family, a

Trusting Through the Tears: God's Faithfulness in Times of Suffering

Living a faithful Christian life will always hold the possibility of trouble and difficulty, but how do you cope when the troubles come one after another? A chronic long-term illness, miscarriage, a difficult pregnancy and premature baby...

Unashamed - Healing our brokenness and finding freedom from shame

Shame is everywhere. Whether related to relationships, body image, work, or a secret sin, we all experience shame. While shame manifests itself in fear, broken relationships, and regret, it ultimately points us to our fundamental need as fallen hu

Unexpected Grace

When Eleanor Pfaehler and I met, we stood on opposite sides of an invisible, and seemingly insurmountable, wall," Sheila Walsh writes. "Eleanor and I talked over this wall. At times we reached up to hug. But the wall was always there.

Visit the Sick: Ministering God's Grace

How Do You Care for the Sick? Here's How. One of the marks of the ministry of Jesus is his compassionate care for the sick. Jesus brought healing and hope to individuals struggling with life-debilitating illnesses.

Waterbugs and Dragonflies

Talking to children about death can be hard. Water Bugs and Dragonflies, a perennial bestseller, can help you to answer their questions. Doris Stickney tells the story of a small colony of water bugs living below the surface of a pond.

What Do I Do When Teenagers Deal with Death?

Nobody can prepare you for all the issues you'll encounter when it comes to teenagers. Whether you work with teens or are trying to parent them, chances are that you've already run into a few things that you felt completely unprepared or ill equipped

When Grief Comes: Finding Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow

Sooner or later, each of us journeys through the valley of the shadow of death. Kirk H. Neely has been through that valley, including the unexpected death of his twenty-seven-year-old son.

When sorrows like sea billows roll

Upon his wife’s sudden death, Brad was left a single father of seven children. Life became harder, and the grief almost overwhelming. We all grieve. We lose something or someone we love. And it hurts. Sorrows seem to crash like stormy waves...

When Your Soul Aches: Hope And Help For Women Who Have Lost Their Husbands

An honest, compassionate handbook for women who have lost their husbands offers widows practical advice, sympathy, insights, and inspiration as it explores the feelings that widows experience and provides suggestions on how to cope.

Where is God in a Coronavirus world?

We are living through a unique, era-defining period. Many of our old certainties have gone, whatever our view of the world and whatever our beliefs. The coronavirus pandemic and its effects are perplexing and unsettling for all of us.

With love and sympathy gift book

A special compilation of photos, prayers, poems, quotes and Bible verses to comfort and encourage those who grieve. This is the ideal book to show a friend that you are thinking about them. Is anyone crying for help? GOD is listening, ready to rescue

Words of Peace - inc CD

These are Bible and prayer guides for people with dementia - and the elderly who are struggling with memory loss; developed in consultation with 'experts' in dementia care. Each title includes 31 daily devotionals, 'cues and clues' box & more.

Wounded by God's People: Discovering How God's Love Heals Our Hearts

'I believe there are many of us who have been wounded by God's people. And I believe there are those of you who have been so wounded, that you have confused God's people with God, and so have run from Him. The purpose of this book is to help you get