
Counselling & Care

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What Do I Do When Teenagers Deal with Death?

Nobody can prepare you for all the issues you'll encounter when it comes to teenagers. Whether you work with teens or are trying to parent them, chances are that you've already run into a few things that you felt completely unprepared or ill equipped

What to say when you dont know what to say

I just lost my job. My mom died of cancer. My best friend was in a serious accident. When a family member, friend, neighbor, or coworker is in pain, he or she needs your support - even if you're not sure what to do. Trusted Christian counselor Norm..

When Grief Comes: Finding Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow

Sooner or later, each of us journeys through the valley of the shadow of death. Kirk H. Neely has been through that valley, including the unexpected death of his twenty-seven-year-old son.

When I am afraid

You know how anxiety and fear feels—your stomach drops, your neck tightens, your whole body tenses—but do you know what to do when anxiety fills your days and troubles your nights? You've probably already tried a few strategies, like denial or...

When Your Soul Aches: Hope And Help For Women Who Have Lost Their Husbands

An honest, compassionate handbook for women who have lost their husbands offers widows practical advice, sympathy, insights, and inspiration as it explores the feelings that widows experience and provides suggestions on how to cope.

Where is God in a Coronavirus world?

We are living through a unique, era-defining period. Many of our old certainties have gone, whatever our view of the world and whatever our beliefs. The coronavirus pandemic and its effects are perplexing and unsettling for all of us.

With love and sympathy gift book

A special compilation of photos, prayers, poems, quotes and Bible verses to comfort and encourage those who grieve. This is the ideal book to show a friend that you are thinking about them. Is anyone crying for help? GOD is listening, ready to rescue

Words of Peace - inc CD

These are Bible and prayer guides for people with dementia - and the elderly who are struggling with memory loss; developed in consultation with 'experts' in dementia care. Each title includes 31 daily devotionals, 'cues and clues' box & more.

Wounded by God's People: Discovering How God's Love Heals Our Hearts

'I believe there are many of us who have been wounded by God's people. And I believe there are those of you who have been so wounded, that you have confused God's people with God, and so have run from Him. The purpose of this book is to help you get