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Be Dynamic (Acts 1-12)

Through explaining Luke's record of the Gospel's advancement and church expansion, Wiersbe opens the door to understanding the work of the church today.

Be Encouraged (2 Corinthians)

The road of spiritual growth can get bumpy. From the new believer to the seasoned disciple, we all experience frustrations and setbacks in our pursuit of God. And perhaps no one understands struggles better than the apostle Paul.

Be Equipped (Deuteronomy)

The future is your friend when Jesus Christ is your Lord and the Bible is your guide! Learn from Moses, one of history's greatest teachers, what it means to be an overcomer, able to fulfill the purpose God has for you.

Be Exultant (Psalms 90-150)

With creative word pictures, and the spiritual depth and insight that comes from a lifetime of worshipping the Lord, popular author, pastor, and teacher Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe guides you through the mountains and valleys of Psalms 90-150.

Be Free - (Galatians)

More than just a guide to understanding Galatians, best-selling author Warren Wiersbe's Be Free is also a guide to embracing freedom in Christ.

Be Heroic (Minor Prophets)

Dr. Wiersbe shares small ways we can make a big impact. Because when it’s all about being a servant, we all have what it takes to be a hero.

Be Holy (Leviticus)

Studying the Book of Leviticus will help you understand: - What true holiness is and the difference it makes - How a holy god deals with sin and provides forgiveness - How believers today can grow in personal holiness.

Be Hopeful (1 Peter)

Christians who live as though they possess hope, will learn godly submission, holy living, and harmony with other believers. These qualities will prepare them for what Peter paints in his epistle as inevitable-suffering and persecution.

Be Joyful (Philippians)

In spite of his dire situation as a prisoner a Roman jail, Paul`s letter to the church at Philippi overflows with joy. Discover Paul's secret to finding joy in Christ as Dr. Wiersbe leads you on verse-by-verse tour through the book of Philippians.

Be Loyal (Matthew)

Pastor, author, and Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe highlights significant cultural and historical aspects that arise in Matthew's gospel to paint for readers a clearer picture of this glorious, unexpected, but all-satisfying King of Kings.

Be Mature (James)

Wiersbe, leads you through this practical book with advice on how to overcome temptation, controlling the tongue, effective prayer, and how to practice what the Bible teaches.

Be Obedient ( Genesis 12- 24 )

We are called to live a life obedient to God. But what does this look like? And how can we live in a way that's pleasing to Him? The answer is found in faith. Long considered the father of faith, Abraham sets the standard for what it means to be obed

Be Patient (Job)

Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? Warren W. Wiersbe tackles this question as he explores the life of Job in his commentary Be Patient. Through Job's story, we are reminded of God's sovereignty and encouraged to endure the suffer

Be Ready (1&2 Thessalonians)

Dr. Wiersbe balances the prophetic with the practical, and shares how Christ's powerful promise can impact every aspect of life. So be encouraged. Be revived. And BE Ready.

Be Real (1 John)

1 John explains that assurance of salvation, real relationship with Christ, and abundant life now can be yours as you apply who God is and what He came to accomplish!

Be Resolute (Daniel)

Much can be learned from Daniel about unshakable faith. Study this extraordinary Old Testament book. Even more importantly, apply what you learn as Warren Wiersbe unfolds both the explicit and implicit teachings to lead you to a more resolute faith.

Be Responsible (1 Kings)

As you follow along with Dr. Wiersbe in this study of 1 Kings, you will see over and over again the importance of moral character in leaders, as well as the tragedy of leaving God out of national affairs.

Be Restored (2 Samuel & 1 Chronicles)

Dr. Wiersbe shares that no broken person is beyond God’s power. You’ll discover that—no matter your story, no matter your situation—God can use you to bring about restoration in this world.

Be Reverent (Ezekiel)

Dr. Wiersbe calls us to rediscover the awesomeness of the Lord. Filled with inspiring words and images, Ezekiel’s timeless message will draw you into a deeper level of holy reverence for our God.

Be Rich (Ephesians)

In a society where wealth is often the measurement of success, popular author and Bible teacher Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe unravels Ephesians to reveal the countercultural nature of the gospel. Through helpful illustrations and analysis, he opens our eyes

Be Right (Romans)

Dr. Wiersbe's careful exposition of the text allows the truth to soak in to your heart and mind as you read and understand these essential truths of Scripture.

Be Satisfied (Ecclesiastes)

Dr. Wiersbe explores Ecclesiastes to find what matters most in life. You will be encouraged to live in the light of eternity, and discover the keys to having a satisfied life, no matter what life brings.

Be Skillful (Proverbs)

Our world yearns for how-to guides and the secret to a fulfilled life. However, no truth is man-made. The wisdom that God granted to King Solomon is the same wisdom that would benefit us today--if only we would seek it.

Be Strong (Joshua)

Dr. Wiersbe shares the need for strong, dedicated believers. You'll discover how to dodge defeat, pursue your purpose, and take hold of all God has in store for you.

Be Successful (1 Samuel)

Dr. Wiersbe journeys through the book of 1 Samuel to uncover how God defines success. You will be inspired to pursue your goals, and encouraged to make the race just as important as the finish line.