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Autobiography of George Muller

George Müller, a rebellious thief transformed into a humble servant of God, longed for his life to be a living manifestation of the strength and power of Christ. From a position of utter dependence upon God, Müller opens up his journals to us.

Awakening and Ripples

Join Chris White on a life-changing journey of rediscovery, faith and encounters with Father God. After years in a faith-sleep, he experiences a profound spiritual awakening, culminating in a prayer road trip to the captivating Hebrides ........

Bachelorette to Bride

Marriage is one of God's greatest gifts to us. It is one of the most blessed and exciting events in a woman's life, but there is also a sense of entering the unknown. Becoming a wife can feel simultaneously be a great privilege and a tall order!


You wish you had an answer, now you do. Sinkinson tackles dodgy science and Christian urban myths whilst reminding us that Christians are not called to win arguments but hearts. Darwin's death bed conversion - truth or myth? Is God a moral monster?


You've been invited to a baptism... But what's it all about? In this helpful little booklet, Rich Baxter uses one question and two pictures to help you get right to the heart of what your friend’s baptism is all about.

Barefoot - A Story of Surrendering to God

The spiritual journey takes unexpected turns for the women of Sensible Shoes in this third book of the series, continuing on from the events of Two Steps Forward. Having been challenged to persevere in hope, can they now embrace the joy of...

Be Alert (2 Peter, 2&3 John & Jude)

Dr. Wiersbe shares how to spot spiritual errors and fallacies. You'll discover foundational principles from God's word that will help you determine the true from the false.

Be Alive (John 1-12)

Let the humanity of Christ move you as He feels your joys and pains, and let the deity of Christ awaken you to the life He has planned!

Be Amazed (Minor Prophets)

Prepared to be awed by our God. The books of Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Malachi are viewed by Biblical scholars as the Minor Prophets. Yet the insights and messages contained within these books are anything but minor.

Be Authentic (Genesis 25- 50)

Life is full of imitations. Which is why today's culture needs genuine, transparent people of God. People of purpose, not perfection. Believers who crave real spiritual growth. But what does this look like?

Be Available (Judges)

Dr. Wiersbe shares that God’s kingdom advances through those who are available to Him. Based on the book of Judges, this study encourages us to stand for what’s right, and step into what God is doing in our world.

Be Basic (Genesis 1-11)

Be Basic has now been updated with study questions and a new introduction! Return to the beginning and discover life-changing truths about relationships, faith, sin, and spiritual fulfillment.

Be Comforted (Isaiah)

For anyone who thinks that comfort is equivalent to pity and that it is only priceless to those who need an emotional crutch, best-selling author Warren Wiersbe applies the words of the prophet Isaiah to prove that God's comfort is no such thing.

Be Compassionate (Luke 1-13)

Dr. Wiersbe explores the compassionate life of Jesus. Filled with moving examples of Christ's ministry to people of all backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs, this study will inspire you to share His love with the world around you.

Be Complete (Colossians)

We live in an age when everyone is trying to live richer, fuller lives. We're told to buy this, try that, eat those, and say no to the rest, as if that's all we need to do to make our lives complete. Two thousand years ago, the church at Colossae

Be Concerned (Minor Prophets)

Dr. Wiersbe encourages us to take a balanced approach to personal evangelism, and challenges us to lovingly share truths that offer both conviction and hope.

Be Confident (Hebrews)

There was a time for rules and sacrifices. Then Christ came -the spotless Lamb to atone for sin once and for all. Wiersbe states that by focusing on the reality of the unseen first, an overwhelming desire for intimate friendship with God will follow.

Be Counted (Numbers)

Dr. Wiersbe explores how we can make our faith matter. You'll be encouraged to trust His word, and inspired to count on God, while counting for Him.

Be Courageous (Luke 14-24)

Dr. Weirsbe explores the courageous life of Christ. You'll be encouraged to trust God, and inspired to embrace fearless living.

Be Daring (Acts 13-28)

A respected pastor and a man whose study series has sold over 4 million copies, Wiersbe affectionately calls the apostle Luke "Dr. Luke" as he shows how Dr. Luke recorded Paul's missionary journeys.

Be Decisive (Jeremiah)

Part of Dr Warren Wiersbe's best-selling "BE" commentary series, this offering has now been updated with study questions and a new introduction by Ken Baugh. A Respected Pastor and Bible teacher, Dr. Wiersbe shares the vital need for authenticity

Be Delivered (Exodus)

Dr. Wiersbe explores the need to balance freedom with responsibility. Filled with real-world examples that resonate today, this study uncovers how you can experience true freedom in every area of your life.

Be Determined (Nehemiah)

Best-selling author Warren Wiersbe unwraps the book of Nehemiah in his study Be Determined to show a servant so selfless, a mission so humbling, and a perseverance so admirable that Christians are drawn to a new awe of God.

Be Diligent (Mark)

Christianity is not a passive faith. It is a dynamic, proactive way of life where God's love motivates us to ministry, to help those in need, and to serve those around us. And no one better illustrates this lifestyle than our Savior.

Be Distinct (2 Kings & 2 Chronicles)

God’s people were never meant to blend in. Instead, we’re called to stand out from the crowd, and become a beacon of hope. But nothing dims our light more than conformity, when voices that once proclaimed truth..........