
Inter-Varsity Press

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Michael Green by His Friends

This is a portrait of the Revd Dr. Michael Green who died in February 2019, aged 88. The book tells the story of his life and ministry through the recollections of his family, friends and colleagues. It seeks to inspire and educate a new generation.


When is war a just war? How can outsiders best intervene in conflict? How do we understand relational peace-building and reconciliation? How can we effectively engage as Christians in resolving conflict? Peter Dixon offers a moral framework.

Preacher, keep yourself from idols

Guidance and wisdom for maintaining good practice and avoiding temptation in preaching. With insight and wisdom, Derek Tidball reviews a selection of idols to which preachers are particularly vulnerable, under four headings.


Pure' was developed and written against a background of increasing promiscuity and godlessness in twenty-first century Britain. It offers an alternative to swimming with the tide.

Radical Gratitude: Recalibrating Your Heart in an age of Entitlement

As Christians we should be the most grateful people alive. After all, doesn't the Bible encourage thankfulness and condemn grumbling? Peter Maiden traces the theme of thanksgiving in Scripture, and shows how we can genuinely live counter-cultural

Rediscovering Joy - The Dynamic Power of the Reformation in Galatians

The title, Rediscovering Joy, derives from Galatians 4:15 (NLT). The Galatians had lost the joy of God's blessing because they had departed from the truths of the gospel. The Reformation - and the book - is an invitation to rediscover the joy.

Romans (Lifebuilder Study Guides): Becom

Often our worship loses its passion, our prayer life becomes stagnant, we forget why we are serving God. And the world's ways subtly become our ways. Romans addresses this and shows us how we can break out of old patterns and become new in Christ.

Systematic Theology - An Introduction

Wayne Grudem believes that 'theology is meant to be lived and prayed and sung' - but before this can happen, it must be understood. In this best-selling textbook, each chapter begins with a clear definition of the doctrine under consideration.