
Inter-Varsity Press

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Genesis Lifebuilder Study Guide

The bestselling Lifebuilders series have helped millions of people dig deeper into the Bible, individually and in groups. Some tackle a section of the Bible, others take a thematic approach.

Good & Evil Lifebuilder Study Guide

Though we are often hurt, shocked and angered by the evil in our world, it doesn't take God by surprise. He cares about our suffering; he's with us in the midst of tragedies and sin; he can even bring good out of the worst circumstances.

I wish Jesus Hadn't Said That... But I'm Glad He Did!

Want to learn how Jesus words speak into life? This insightful book looks at the commands of Jesus that are hard to swallow You'll discover truths and aphorisms of Christ, and how to live by them

Images Of God Lifebuilder Study Guide

Rock. Warrior. Husband. Potter. The Scripture writers use poetic language and all sorts of earthly images to describe God - all so inadequate yet allowing us to see something of the unseeable.

Invest Your Disappointments: Going For Growth

Let's be honest. We're frequently disappointed. With family, friends, leaders, work, ourselves, church - sometimes, dare we say it, even with God. 'You carry the tears inside,' is the author's description. Disappointment can be devastating. It

Lies Lies Lies!

The public are inundated with untruths about Jesus of Nazareth, the greatest figure in human history and the one by whom we date everything. Sometimes these truths emerge from the media and sometimes from specific assaults on Jesus.


For many the resurrection is a nice thing to believe, the 'happy' ending to the gospel, as though after the darkness of the cross Spielberg was brought in to do the finish. But 'Lifted' shows that it's far more.

Loving the Way Jesus loves

Want to model you life more on Jesus? Phil Ryken shows how we can love others in a pure, powerful way You'll discover a way to become a little more Christ-like each day