
Inter-Varsity Press

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A Time to Care

So you're now a carer. Your elderly parents need you as never before. Nobody's ever trained you for what comes next, yet you re the unofficial project manager. Emily Ackerman looks at practical and emotional issues like finding time to cope.

Black Voices

Through the lips of Black British Christians, we hear the stories and experiences first hand. Hostility, prejudice and cruelty were not uncommon, but there are also many glimpses of welcome and acceptance as they arrived in a foreign land.
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Christian Leadership Lifebuilder Study

he most influential leader in the early church was undoubtedly the apostle Paul. And in his letters we watch him exercising his leadership skills among the early Christians.

Ecclesiastes Chasing After Meaning

Are you tired of getting pat answers when you ask hard questions about faith? The writer of Ecclesiastes is not afraid to ask the big questions like "Where can I find fulfillment when I seem to be going in circles?"

Entrusted with the Gospel:fan the flame!

What a responsibility to be entrusted with the gospel! With the focus on Paula's second letter to Timothy, John Piper, Philip Ryken, Mark Driscoll, K. Edward Copeland, Bryan Chapell and Ligon Duncan model faithful preaching rooted in Scripture.

Essentially One. Striving for Unity

Across the barriers of race, class, culture and denomination, Christians are united through the transforming power of the gospel of grace. Yet instead of walls dismantled and alienations healed, churches are often characterised by ugly division.

Food for the Journey: Ezekiel

Ezekiel ben Buzi would never forget his 30th birthday. He had been trained as a priest and brought up to believe that at this age his life's work would begin.

Food for the Journey: Hebrews

Hebrews was written to address some of the fundamental misunderstandings that the Jewish people had about Jesus. This (unknown) author is correcting their ignorance of who Jesus was, and explaining how he completes and fulfils Israel's history.