
Devotionals & Daily Readings

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Fearing Others - Putting God First

Fishing for compliments, overcommitting, never committing, keeping people at a distance, being defensive, impatient, insecure, or envious…. When we fear other people more than we fear God, we become anxious slaves to their opinions & approval.

First 30 Days of Walking With Jesus

First 30 Days of Walking with Jesus is exactly what it sounds like - a simple and accessible guide that offers 30 days of Bible readings and devotions, along with practical advice, motivation, and additional guides, for anyone starting or restarting

Flourish - Devotions for a well-tended heart

Just as a garden needs nurturing to grow and thrive, so does your relationship with God. Flourish: Devotions for a Well-Tended Heart, features 75 devotions to help you dig deeper into your faith and cultivate trust in God's promises for your life.

Food for the Journey: Ezekiel

Ezekiel ben Buzi would never forget his 30th birthday. He had been trained as a priest and brought up to believe that at this age his life's work would begin.

Food for the Journey: Hebrews

Hebrews was written to address some of the fundamental misunderstandings that the Jewish people had about Jesus. This (unknown) author is correcting their ignorance of who Jesus was, and explaining how he completes and fulfils Israel's history.

Forgiveness - Reflecting God's Mercy

When the sins of others loom large on our minds, we need to look to God. Not only is his love an encouragement amid our pain, but it is the foundation upon which we build forgiveness for others. Thirty-one devotional readings with reflection question

Gather Up The Fragments

Gather up the Fragments contains 31 baskets of daily devotions and encouragements from the Word of God. It commences each day with a Bible verse or passage of Scripture from the KJV Bible, accompanied by a specific basket of thoughts & encouragements

God is my hiding place

"If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you'll be at rest."--Corrie ten Boom Dutch watchmaker Corrie ten Boom, with her courageous, God-fearing family, sheltered Jews...

Heaven Changes Everything

Live every day with the hope of heaven! A shattered leg, kidney stones, and a lump diagnosed as hyperplasia. Times were tough, money was scarce, and the bills and frustrations were piling up.

How Jesus Cares 31 Devotions about Christ and His Love for you.

When we read God’s Word and see the wonder of who Jesus is and what he has done we see that God’s Son has given us his very best. His love and care for us took him to the Cross for us.

I know that my Redeemer Liveth

40 Meditations for Lent and Easter

Inspiring Women Every Day for New Christ

If you are new to the Christian faith this booklet is for you, to encourage, challenge, teach and inspire you in your first steps on your journey with God. You are at the start of a relationship which will last through eternity.

Into His Presence

Throughout the Bible, the mountaintop experiences of men and women of faith offer insight into our own personal spiritual journeys. You hold in your hands a year's worth of spiritual exploration, with Dr. Charles Stanley as your guide.

Journey With Me Devotional

Catherine Campbell invites you to journey with her through the year as she shares 365 Bible meditations that have touched her heart and changed her life. Using an eclectic mix of readings, character cameos and anecdotes, Catherine takes us acr ross n

Know Your Bible Devotions for Teen Guys

You want your life to matter— take the first step by knowing God through His Word. You want your life to matter, and Know Your Bible Devotions for Teen Guys encourages you to pursue greatness—by knowing and obeying God’s Word.

Loving God Loving Others

Your longing for meaningful connection is a good and holy desire. God made us to love one another, and we love because He first loved us. In Loving God, Loving Others, the ladies of the Catholic community Blessed is She ........

Milk & Honey - A devotional journey through scripture

This devotional helps readers taste and see God’s goodness as they savor bite-sized portions of Scripture from each book of the Bible. Food and water can meet your physical needs, but what satisfies your spiritual hunger? It’s time for some...

Mind Fuel

Bear Grylls draws on his survival experience to share the principles that have helped him overcome fear, develop a positive mindset and break through the obstacles that limit success in everyday life. With emotional health advocate Will Van Der Hart,

Morning & Evening Black Leather

A wealth of Biblical teaching from Spurgeon. He meditates on two portions of scripture each day with applications that are very relevant for contemporary Christians. Spurgeon's characteristically pithy comments hit home with a wit and elegance.

Morning by Morning

For tens of thousands of Christians over the last century, Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s Morning By Morning has been a daily devotional guide through life’s ups and downs. New generations can once again enjoy Spurgeon’s wisdom.

New Morning Mercies

"If you’re prone to wander, this book is for you.” —Matt and Lauren Chandler, Lead Pastor, The Village Church, Dallas, Texas; President, Acts 29 Church Planting Network; and his wife Lauren, writer; speaker; singer Encouragement for Those Weary...

Oil for the Journey

Oil for the journey is a daily devotional to equip believers in Christ with everything they need for their spiritual development. It touches every aspect of the Christian life, using daily scriptures from the Bible. Repentance towards God and Faith..

On The Go Devotional For Teens

Life gets busy. And sometimes that means spending time in God’s Word doesn’t happen every day, or maybe the quick devotion teens do manage to squeeze in doesn’t dig deep or feel meaningful. That’s where On-the-Go Devotional can help.

One God One Life One Plan

One of America's favorite pastors, Max Lucado offers his first 365 devotional for teens, encouraging them to trust God and His perfect plan for their lives. Life is hard, and today's teens could use daily guidance and reassurance that God is...

One Year Devos For Teen Girls

The One Year Devos for Teen Girls is a fresh new devotional just for teen girls by popular author Dannah Gresh. The subject matter is current and includes modern topics. The devotions often utilize social media such as viewing YouTube videos and...