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How Much did it Cost Tract

This Christms gospel leaflet has been written with three relevant questions being considered: Why the need for a Saviour? What did it cost Christ to become the Saviour? What does it cost to benefit from His Sacrifice?

Jesus The Great Physician

Everyone needs a Doctor at some time, even if it is just to sign a death certificate! This book is written with a view of Jesus Christ as not only a Physician but the greatest Physician who ever lived.

Love Knows No Limit

Elisabeth will inspire new depths of love in those who take her words to heart.

Pastures for the Flock

Pastures for the Flock" is a compilation of 24 addresses on scriptural themes by John Ritchie. The book begins by considering the believer's salvation, standing in Christ, separation to God, and sealing by the Spirit for eternal glory.

Rightly Dividing the Word

This new edition of a helpful compilation of over 40 Bible Study Papers presents a wide variety of inter-related subjects with tabulated summaries, notes and charts authenticated with Biblical references.


This is the second title in our new Pocket Commentary Series offering short outlines on various books of the Bible at affordable prices. Ian Steeleā€™s commentary on Ruth represents articles that were originally written for a series included in the

Safe Sure & Happy

The Bible teaches clearly that there is life after death. One day each of us will reach the end of life here and move out into eternity, but eternity where? The aim of this booklet is to explain, from the Bible, how you can be safe in heaven fo

Tell me More About... The Future

This clear and concise book is about what God has planned for the future. This author focuses our attention upon the Bible and aims in a simple way to show what will happen next. He considers the two stages of the Lord's coming, Israel's future...