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1&2 Thessalonians

The fourth book in our pocket commentary series giving an excellent outline of 1&2 Thessalonians. By going through a study of Thessalonians, you will get a powerful insight into the ministry of the Apostle Paul.

2020 The Christmas We Won't Forget

Christmas was different for all of us last year. But is getting back to normal this year something to strive for it excludes Jesus Christ, the reason for the season?

96 Years 1926 - 2022 A Poetic Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II

Tract reads: Ninety-six years to look back and reflect, On our monarch who commanded our utmost respect. She was a woman of substance, honest and good, She was trusted, devoted, and did all that she should.

A Simple Guide to Prayer

Written by Jack Hay this is the second book in the ‘Simple Guide’ series. Most of us would acknowledge that the time that we spend in prayer is often limited, our commitment to it is half-hearted, and it is only in an emergency that we be earnest.

All the Way to Glory

He had come from so far, stooping from unimaginable heights. The Son of God, whose “greatness is unsearchable” (Psa. 145:3), left His throne and entered into something so very small—a virgin’s womb. It marked the beginning of a journey.

An Epistle with Heart

This book provides a careful analysis of Paul's Epistle to the Colossians. Doctrinal and practical teaching are balanced and blended throughout. In the text of the epistle, ethical problems and explained.

Believers Hymn Book Small Black Leather

Leather bound words edition of the Believer's Hymn book. The ever popular Believers Hymn Book Music Edition has for many years been widely used among assemblies of the Lord’s people, and continues to make a helpful contribution to worship.


In this third volume of Ritchie's Pocket Commentary series,the author gives a concise yet comprehensive exposition of this delightful book Many valuable lessons are considered that will encourage us to go forward in the Christian life and draw us...