
Lion Hudson Ltd

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Living With Bereavement

Bereavement is an experience that touches everyone, but no two people experience it in the same way. This honest and reassuring book offers practical, emotional and spiritual help for anyone undergoing the mixed emotions and confusion of bereavement.

My Look and Point Jonah and the Whale Sticker Book

A fantastic sticker book in series with the popular Look and Point Bible (nominated for the Ultimate Christian Library Book Award 2012). The story of Jonah and the Whale is told over five double page spreads with spaces in the story to be filled in.

Off-the-Wall Bible Tales

Bob Hartman, well-known for his storytelling talents is tackling Bible stories again! Following his popular Storyteller series and his Unauthorised Versions, Bob is retelling stories for a younger audience, but with the same mischievous slant.

One For All - The Foundations

500 years after Martin Luther's objections, the Church is threatened with division. With fundamentalists and liberals pulling at either end of the scale, have we forgotten everything that binds us together?

One For All - The implications

In One for All: The Implications Malcolm Duncan brings a prophetic call to the Church to be truly one body, and to work towards unity. In this volume, Malcolm faces up to the challenges and explores principles for being a united Church.

Son of the Underground

After desperate prayer, the night before she was due to go into hospital for the operation, she miraculously gave birth.

The Bible Story Retold in Twelve Chapters

Evocative and full in scope, The Bible Story Retold in Twelve Chapters is a flowing retelling of the Bible's great stories.

The Hard to Swallow Tale of Jonah and the Whale

The story of Jonah is full of ingredients that children love: a dangerous mission; a man on the run; danger at sea; an incredible whale rescue; and a grand finale about forgiveness.