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Abolition! The struggle to abolish slavery in the British Colonies

The Anti-Slave Trade Act became law on 25th March 1807. It made the capture and transport of slaves by British subjects illegal. Slavery as such in the British Empire wasn't abolished until 1833.

China's Christian Millions

Under Mao, Christianity in China virtually disappeared. Now we are seeing what is probably the biggest revival in world history. Statistics from the Communist Party itself show exponential church growth.

Essential Bible Reference/Guide

This is from a series of guide books for the home, school, church and Sunday school introducing the Bible and answering questions about its teaching.


What did the Nazareth house of Mary and Joseph look like? What tools did Joseph the carpenter use? What sort of boat did fishermen Peter and Andrew sail? This offers answers to these and other questions about life in Bible times in words and pictures

God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway?

'The Grand Design', by eminent scientist Stephen Hawking, is the latest blockbusting contribution to the so-called New Atheist debate, and claims that the laws of physics themselves brought the Universe into being, rather than God. In this swift and

God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?

Evaluates the evidence of modern science in relation to the debate between the atheistic and theistic interpretations of the universe, and provides a fresh basis for discussion. The book has grown out of the author's lengthy experience of lecturing.

Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists Are Missing The Target

Atheism is on the march in the western world, and its enemy is God. Religion, the "New Atheists" claim, "is dangerous", it "kills" or "poisons everything". And if religion is the problem with the world, their answer is simple: get rid of it.

I Imagine: A Child's Book of Prayers

Childhood is full of emotions. This beautiful picture book explores the connections with nature a child might find in times of emotional need: "O Lord, if things are hard, I imagine I'm a river and you help me flow quick and clean around the rocks th