
Sword & Trowel

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Christian Stewardship Our Calling

This booklet will review a number of New Testament texts, each of which presents some aspect of stewardship, including the believer’s attitude, God’s objectives, the proportion of the gift, and important practical guidance.

Proving Charismatic gifts have ceased

Does the Bible teach definitively that the charismatic gifts have ceased? This booklet shows that the ceasing of revelatory and sign-gifts in the time of the apostles is clearly derived from the Word of God.

The Goal Of Brotherly Love

Brotherly love 'is something far higher and deeper than church rambles and other organised friendship activities, useful as these may be,' writes the author. The great goal is 'Philadelphia' love, a New Testament term indicating 'a depth and tenacity

Your Reasonable Service In The Lord

This booklet deals with one major area in which we often fall a long way short of the standard of the Bible. It is a sad fact that there are many Bible-believing Christians who do not engage in any meaningful work for the Lord.