
P&R Publishing

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A Painful Past -Healing & moving forward

Do you live with regret? Have others sinned terribly against you? God invites you to pour out your heart to him and to find comfort in his Word. In this 31-day devotional, complete with reflection questions and practical action steps.

Does Grace grow best in winter?

What is suffering for? What does it look like from the standpoint of God's sovereignty? The startling conclusion: we need to learn to suffer in order to mature in faith

Forgiveness - Reflecting God's Mercy

When the sins of others loom large on our minds, we need to look to God. Not only is his love an encouragement amid our pain, but it is the foundation upon which we build forgiveness for others. Thirty-one devotional readings with reflection question

Loneliness connecting with God and others

Are you lonely? You're in good company! For many, lonely feelings come and go. For others, loneliness is ongoing and agonizing. Yet no matter what category you're in, there is hope. You're not alone.

Pride & Humility at war - A Biblical Perspective

Is pride a necessary tool to achieve significance? Is humility a form of self-hatred? In contrast to the world, the Bible consistently presents humility as the supreme virtue, while pride is the underlying depravity behind specific sins.

War of Words: Getting To The Heart Of Your Communication Struggles

Have you ever wondered how a "nice" person like you could be so misunderstood, even hurtful? Tripp gets right to the heart of our communication problems and shows how the gospel changes the way we understand and solve them. Learn to bless others.