
P & R Publishing Co (Presbyter

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Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave

A worship disorder: this is how Edward T. Welch views addictions. "Will we worship ourselves and our own desires," he writes, "or will we worship the true God?" With this lens the author discovers far more in Scripture on addictions.

Contentment Seeing God's Goodness

“If I could just have a little more . . . if my situation were just a little different! My plan for my life would be perfect—if it would just come true!” It is often obvious how little we are in control of our lives, and discontent seems natural.

God's Servant Job

God's Servant Job is a beautifully illustrated children’s story in verse that explores the gospel according to Job. Though the themes in Job are complex, Bond winsomely portrays the story's essential, foundational theology ..........

Grief - Walking with Jesus

Grief comes in all shapes and sizes, from the devastating grief accompanying death to the daily losses of betrayal and misfortune. And while the gospel speaks about grace for sin, does it say anything about grace for grief?

Homosexuality Speaking Truth in Love

How can we answer claims that the Bible does not prohibit committed homosexual relationships? Or that science proves that homosexuality is genetic, not a chosen lifestyle? Welch supplies timely biblical and biological insight into homosexuality.

Idols Of The Heart: Learning to Long for God Alone

Elyse Fitzpatrick helps us to examine the idols of our hearts and, ultimately, to pursue godly lives free from the habitual sins that trap us. When our affections are turned to Jesus Christ, he can once again reign in our hearts.

Prayers of a Parent for Adult Children

Adult children face many struggles, both earthly and spiritual. Even fully grown, they need support as they forge a life of their own. But how can we help them on their journey as they become independent from us? Bring your love for them to the Lord.

Small Things, Big Things

"Where did you find God today?" This question from a pastor to his congregation is at the heart of these inspiring stories. Mike Milton takes you on a journey pursuing the goal of finding God's grace at work in everyday life.