
My First Bible Stories

Six beloved stories from the Old Testament are re-told in a beautiful picture book format perfect for sharing with young children. The stories of Noah, Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel and Jonah are delightfully re-told in simple and easy-to-understand language for young children. Charming and detailed illustrations accompany the text and provide ideal opportunities for spotting things and aiding further discussion. With colourful, friendly artwork and lots of ideas included for participating in the stories, this book is sure to be loved by children and parents alike. Publisher: Authentic Lifestyle ISBN: 9781860242816 Number of pages: 136 Weight: 552 g Dimensions: 253 x 230 mm
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Six beloved stories from the Old Testament are re-told in a beautiful picture book format perfect for sharing with young children. The stories of Noah, Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel and Jonah are delightfully re-told in simple and easy-to-understand l
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  • ISBN 9781860242816
Six beloved stories from the Old Testament are re-told in a beautiful picture book format perfect for sharing with young children. The stories of Noah, Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel and Jonah are delightfully re-told in simple and easy-to-understand language for young children. Charming and detailed illustrations accompany the text and provide ideal opportunities for spotting things and aiding further discussion. With colourful, friendly artwork and lots of ideas included for participating in the stories, this book is sure to be loved by children and parents alike. Publisher: Authentic Lifestyle ISBN: 9781860242816 Number of pages: 136 Weight: 552 g Dimensions: 253 x 230 mm