
Moody Publishers

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A Martyr's Grace - 21 Moody Bible Institute Alumni who gave their lives to Christ

"Have you grace to be a martyr?" D.L. Moody was once asked. "No," he replied, "I have not. But if God wanted me to be one, he would give me a martyr's grace." They came from around the world. Administrators, teachers, doctors and nurses...

And The Bride Wore White Companion Guide

Whether you're committed to abstinence, you're just hanging in there, or you've already gone too far, now is the time to get serious about God-honoring purity.

Born a Child and yet a King

Carrying songs—and Jesus—in your heart the whole Christmas season. We know the songs of Christmas like we know the rooms of our house or the placement of our Christmas tree. One or two probably stand out for us as the epitome of how Christmas........

ESV Ryrie Study Bible Hardback Red Lette

Included are detailed sections for broad biblical comprehension: A Synopsis of Bible Doctrine The Inspiration of the Bible Understanding the Bible How We Got Our Bible The Meaning and Blessings of Salvation Archeology and the Bible

Five Love Languages Revised Edition

Want to bring new life to love? The 5 Love Languages has helped millions of husbands and wives love well You have the tools to be understand how your partner ticks Falling in love is easy. Staying in love - that's the challenge! How can you kee

George Mueller Answers to Prayer

When George Mueller could not get it out of his mind to open a house for orphans in late 1835, he purposed to do so "that God might be magnified by the fact that the orphans under my care are provided with all they need, only by prayer and faith."

Glad You're Here

When Craig Cooper and Walker Hayes met, Walker was an alcoholic atheist reeling from the backlash of a failed music career. Through their unlikely friendship, Craig's life demonstrated the love of Christ in a way that shattered Walker's misconception

God Alone

Our constant danger is that we have a view of God that is too small. We are living in a me-focused, treat-yourself world—a world that oppressively encourages us to focus on ourselves.