
Lion Hudson

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101 Great Big Questions

An exciting question and answer-based book for independent readers, exploring key questions asked by children about science-faith interactions. The 'handbook' style is intended to encourage readers to dip in and out of the different chapters.

Albert & The Big Boat A Noah's Ark Story

Join the young and old mice as they gather around Albert, an elderly mouse, to hear the captivating story of Noah and the animals that came to the Ark. Stunning illustrations bring to life the excitement and the adventure of God's Great Flood........

Albert & The Flour Sack A Story about Elijah's Visit

A warm-hearted Old Testament Bible story about Joe, who will never forget the day that Elijah came to visit. The cupboards were empty and his mother only had a last bit of flour and a few drops of oil. Sharing their last loaves with Elijah ..........

Albert & The Good Sister A Story of Moses in the Bulrushes

A heart-felt Bible story about Miriam watching over her baby brother, who would later become Moses, the leader of a nation. Her quick thinking when the Pharaoh's daughter pulls the basket he is in out of the River Nile saves his life. b

Albert & The Slingshot The Story of David

An action-packed Bible story about David, the shepherd boy who becomes a nation's hero. Stunning illustrations bring to life the excitement and the adventure of David's day on the battle field, bravely facing Goliath.

Albert and the Journey Home

A heart-felt Bible story about a young boy, who leaves his family farm, with half of his dad's coins jangling in his pocket. After spending all his coins, will he spend the rest of his life looking after pigs or return home to his dad?

Colouring Jesus

A perfect activity for older children aged 7-9 to engage them with Bible stories about Jesus. Key events and verses about Jesus life and sayings are recreated through 14 pages of colourful comic strips.


While Gethin's mother spent most of the Second World War cracking German codes at Bletchley Park, his father was a conscientious objector. His mother maintained her silence on what she had been doing while his father was outspoken on pacifism.