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A Life Worth Living

Jesus Christ makes life profoundly worth living. This is Paul's message in his letter to the Philippians, in which he encourages the church he planted in Philippi to go on pursuing their new identity in Christ.

Being Human - A new lens for our cultural conversations

Who am I? Does my life matter? What will make me happy? In different ways and at different moments we all ask life's big questions about what it means to be human. But in our fast-paced, rapidly changing and often exhausting society, our...

Enjoy your journey

Are you enjoying every day of your life? Or do you tell yourself and others that you will find happiness once you have achieved a specific goal or position? Jesus came so that you might have and enjoy life (John 10:10). In this compact abridgme

Making Good Habits

In 'Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits', Joyce Meyer begins by helping you separate the good from the bad. "Habits are learned things we do through repetition," she says, "and eventually done either unconsciously or with little effort." Then, in

Never give up

Feel tired? At the end of your tether? Then Joyce Meyer has some words to build you up in this encouraging book that will inspire you to keep on keeping on, and then, live in freedom, excitement, and life to the full.

NIV Larger Print Holy Bible

This elegant, zip-up NIV Bible is bound in tactile denim-blue soft-tone imitation leather material, with a debossed leaf pattern and a pretty, gold-foiled presentation wrap. The text size of this Bible is 11pt, making it easier to read for those w

Soul Survivor Youth Bible NIV

With over 500 added extras from the team and young people at Soul Survivor and other well-known Christian leaders, the NIV Soul Survivor Youth Bible digs deep into the Word - the key themes that run all the way through, the wisdom, stories and ...

The Greatest Secret

Theologian Krish Kandiah had been a missionary, a youth worker and a pastor - but for all his Christian qualifications, he found himself lost in his relationship with God. That was until he rediscovered his Christian faith through a simple secret.