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Christmas Colouring

Colouring Book based on the Christmas story With the story told and Pictures to colour.

David Livingstone: African Adventures

A poor Scottish boy, working in a cotton mill at 10 years old; going to Africa, attacked by a lion, exploring unmapped areas, meeting slave traders, missing for years in the jungles; telling the message of the gospel.

I am with you always Matthew 28v20 Ruler

12" and 30 cm Ruler with Scripture Text I am with you always. Matthew 28 v 20 Supplied in mixed colours

John Newton: Amazing Grace

This is the story of a sailor and a slave trader, a drunkard and a blasphemer. He was transformed. He was transformed 'through many dangers' and fashioned by the hand of God into a loving husband, a preacher of the Gospel and hymn writer.

Mary Jones: The Quest for a Bible

Each of these fantastic 'Tales of Truth' have stunning full colour illustrations Mary Jones, Born in 1784 into a poor Welsh family, the desire of Mary's heart was to own a Bible of her own. After six long years of saving she set off barefoot...

On the Farm Colouring Book

Large format (A4) booklets with themed Bible verses relating to day to day activities and places Titles available are On the Beach, In the Country, On the Farm and In the City.

Peace I Give To You John 14:27 Pencils

Peace I give to you. John 14:27 6 coloured pencils small pack

The boy who shouted "Wolf"! but there wasn't a wolf & other fables

The Boy Who Shouted “Wolf!” But There Wasn’t a Wolf and Other Tales brings together more of Geoffrey Thomas’s short stories, each brimming with the big-heartedness, warmth and homespun humour that he is known for.