
Darton,Longman & Todd Ltd

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John Sentamu's Agape Love Stories: 22 Stories of God's Love Changing Lives Today

In this moving and inspiring book, compiled by John Sentamu, 22 people, including Jean Vanier and Richard Taylor (the father of Damilola Taylor), explain how an experience of God's agape love gave them hope and changed lives. These are stories whi

John Sentamu's Faith Stories: 20 True Stories of Faith Changing Lives Today

The most authentic stories of Christian faith in the 21st Century come from the experiences of `ordinary' people living `ordinary' lives. In this unique book by compiled by John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, 20 people's stories are told.

John Sentamu's Hope Stories: 20 True Stories of Lives Transformed by Hope

The most authentic stories of Christian hope in the 21st Century come from the experiences of `ordinary' people living `ordinary' lives. In this engaging book by compiled by John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, 20 people people share their story.