
Broadman & Holman Publishers

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Becoming Elisabeth Elliot

Elisabeth Elliot was a young missionary in Ecuador when members of a violent Amazonian tribe savagely speared her husband Jim and his four colleagues. Incredibly, prayerfully, Elisabeth took her toddler daughter, snakebite kit, Bible, and journal

Braving the Big Battle Bibleman

What's better than a new Bibleman adventure? Two new Bibleman adventures! When you open this Bibleman Flip-Over book, you'll find two exciting stories and learn two lessons from God's Word!

Cherish Cultivating Relationships....

Relationships are hard. Teen girls are facing more and more each day, and this book offers solid, Godly advice on how to deal with relationship issues, whether it be with their parents, friends, guys, or even with God.

Daily Chronological Bible KJV HB

You ll find it easy to stay on schedule due to the 52-week reading plan (six readings a week) You ll get a better view of the God s grand story because the Bible is divided into three easy-to-remember acts.

Experiencing Dementia

How do you grieve for someone who is physically still with you? How do you love them in the right way through that grief and sometimes frustration? Experiencing Dementia is written for the person who is in the wake of despair of Dementia.

God's Grace for New Believers

If God's grace could talk . . . Actually, it already has. And is. And does. And here's what it sounds like. It sounds like hope for days when life feels absolutely overwhelming.

God's Grace for Singles

If God's grace could talk . . . Actually, it already has. And is. And does. And here's what it sounds like. It sounds like hope for days when life feels absolutely overwhelming.


While some books have a certain audience they apply to, Humility by Andrew Murray is relevant for all people, across all time. The minute someone thinks they have perfected their humility, they have found a new place to root their pride.